What is Skillz?

Skillz is the leading mobile games platform that connects players in fair, fun, and meaningful competition. Skillz is mobile eSports platform where players play against each other and can win cash prizes. More information found on their site

How to create account?

When you open a Skillz game first time, you are automatically signed with a random username. Because Skillz games are using shared account between any Skillz games you should use this same account all the Skillz powered games. Look more info on this link How do I create a Skillz account? – Skillz (

Why I can't play with cash in some games?

Because all games have meet some requirements before cash tournaments can be enabled. First requirement is fairness, both players need to be equal possibility to win. Second important thing is number of players, there need to at least 100 daily active users. If game don't have enough players you can't find opponents. This is where players can help for inviting friends to play the game.

How do I make money?

To answer your question more specifically, there are head-to-head games that start with $0.60 entry fees and have $1 prizes. There are other price points all the way up to $175 entry fees for $300 prizes. Beyond that there are also larger multi-entry tournaments that are in the $1 - $10 entry fee level with much larger prizes). In addition, there are also regular tournaments that have cash entry fees and real world prizes, like TVs, Cruises, toasters, gift cards and the like.

You can also earn cash also from tournaments where best players rewarded on cash prizes. The more you win head to head matches the more higher you rise on the tournaments. Based on tournament prize pool prizes can be given for 10, 20 or more best players.

I have problem with an account, deposit or withdrawal?

We don't have any access to player accounts or cash flow, so all account, deposit and withdrawal related things should be asked directly by their support. You can find more information deposits and withdrawals on this link Withdrawals and Deposits – Skillz ( Skillz support email is

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